Before & After Galleries *Scroll Down for Details*
Furniture and Architectural Restoration

New England Secretary Before New England Secretary After

After of cherry staircase form a Victorian Home

Screen turned into Headboard Before Screen Turned into Headboard After
Three Section Screen from India turned into Headboard

Early 20th Century Philco Radio - Before Early 20th Century Philco Radio - After

Early 19th Century Desk Before Early 19th Century Desk After
Early 19th Century Desk, Total Restoration Including New Tooled Leather Top

Mahogany and Solid Copper Steam Cart - After

Solid Oak Antique Door - Before

Solid Oak Antique Door After

19th Century European Serpentine Front Chest of Drawers Before

19th Century European Serpentine Front Chest of Drawers After
19th Century English Chest of Drawers with Mirror Before
19th Century English Chest of Drawers with Mirror After
 Biedermeier Desk Before |
 Biedermeier Desk After |
Biedermeier desk - early 19th century European, stabilized case, replaced missing pieces of veneer, replaced missing pieces on ivory figure, cleaned and restored original finish |
 Chair Before |
 Chair After |
Victorian iron garden chairs - circa 1875, painted in natural colors with antique finish |
 Desk Before |
 Desk After
Serpentine front, O.G. bracket foot, mahogany desk - circa 1780-90, stabilized case, cleaned and restored finish |
 Victorian Parlor Before |
 Victorian Parlor Table After |
Victorian walnut parlor table - circa 1880, restored original finish, new top - recreation of original with added back guard |
 Room Before |
 Room After |
Solid oak rococo wood paneling - 25'x40' room, restored color and finish |
 Victorian Parlor Table Before |
 Victorian Parlor Table After |
Victorian walnut parlor lamp table - circa 1880, table dismantled and re-glued, hand rubbed shellac finish |
 Dining Table Before |
 Dining Table After |
Hepplewhite mahogany dining table with bellflower inlay - circa 1800, repaired base, removed stains, restored color and finish |
 Queen Anne Style Laquered Table Before |
 Queen Anne Style Lacquered Table After |
 Elevator Before |
 Elevator After |